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Terms and Conditions

Identification data

  • Domain name:
  • Trade name: Cerveza SanFrutos
  • Company name: Cervezas Segovia SL
  • CIF: B-40252991
  • Registered office: Avda. Hontoria, 27. Parcela 86, Nave 4. 40195. Segovia.
  • Contact: +34 921 309 974 |

Purchase conditions at CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS, SL (hereinafter CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS)

The prices and conditions of sale are for informational purposes only and may be modified in response to market fluctuations. However, placing the order by completing the purchase form implies compliance with the price offered and with the general conditions of sale in force at this specific time, except for those orders for products that, due to human or computer error, have a price below the manufacturer's cost and orders that do not have stock, these orders will be automatically rejected by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS. All purchase orders made directly by a user through the website must be reviewed and expressly accepted by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS, the customer will receive an email indicating their acceptance or not. Once the order is confirmed by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS, the order will be understood to be formalized and perfected as a full purchase, with all the legal guarantees that protect the purchasing consumer, and from that moment on the prices and conditions will be contractual in nature, and cannot be modified. without the express agreement of both contracting parties. Spanish will be the language used to formalize the contract. The electronic document in which the contract is formalized will be archived and the user will have access to it in their client area.


Product Guarantees

CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS guarantees all computer equipment, components and other products that it distributes in accordance with current laws and the following conditions.

The consumer can contact both the seller and the manufacturer of the product, who will be responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within a period of two years from delivery (one year for second-hand products).

If the defect comes to light during the first 6 months from the delivery of the good, it is presumed, unless proven otherwise, that the anomaly already existed when it was purchased.

However, when the lack of conformity appears after 6 months and in doubtful cases, the manufacturer could require an independent expert report to process the warranty. In obvious cases of malfunction or irregular operation during the warranty period there is no problem.

In any case, during the time that the consumer is deprived of the product, the calculation of the warranty period is suspended; For example, if the repair of an object takes 15 days, the warranty period will end 15 days later than originally scheduled.

Any manufacturer that has a warranty longer than 2 years established by current Law must process it directly with the manufacturer, and BEERS SANFRUTOS will not be responsible for such alleged cases.

The shipping costs generated by the processing of the product warranty will be borne by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS in those cases where it is assumed that the lack of conformity exists in the purchased good. It must always be done following the instructions indicated by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS, upon request and acceptance.

Conditions for companies and distributors: When the client is a distributor, or invoices as a company (non-natural person), the shipping costs to our facilities will always be the responsibility of the client, since the law on consumer goods does not regulate the sale between companies. . Furthermore, the warranty in these cases will be that stipulated by the product manufacturer.

The consumer may claim when the product does not comply with the contract:

  • The purchased item does not conform to the description made by the seller.

  • The acquired good is not suitable for the uses to which consumer goods of the same type are ordinarily intended.

  • It is not suitable for the special use that would have been requested by the consumer and that the seller has accepted.
  • It does not present the expected quality and performance, especially taking into account the public statements (advertising, brochures, labeling...) about its specific characteristics made by the seller or the manufacturer.

The consumer and user has the right to:

  • Repair or replace.

    The consumer and user may opt for repair or replacement, unless one of the two options is impossible or disproportionate. The one with a higher cost will be considered disproportionate. Non-fungible goods (when they are of a specific nature) or second-hand goods cannot be replaced. Both repair and replacement must be carried out within a reasonable period of time and completely free of charge for the consumer.

NOTE: Currently there are many manufacturers that directly manage breakdowns/defects/incidents that occur in their products to provide quality after-sales service and reduce time. In these cases CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS will always indicate instructions on how to process it to facilitate management.

  • Price reduction or termination of the contract. They will proceed when the consumer and user cannot demand the repair or replacement and in cases in which it has not been carried out within a reasonable period of time or without major inconvenience for the consumer and user. The resolution will not proceed when the lack of conformity is of minor importance.

Warranty cancellation

The warranty may be voided for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect use, manipulation or maintenance by the Client of an equipment, multimedia kit, component or peripheral.

  • Software and/or virus problems.

  • Components burned by surges or electrical current surges.

  • Broken or damaged components subjected to impact.

  • Incorrect repair, modification or expansion of equipment by the customer.

  • Deterioration, elimination or concealment, by the customer, of the guarantee label of CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS or the manufacturer of all products (including those that are part of a piece of equipment, multimedia kit or semi-equipment) manufactured or distributed by CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS.

In short, any damaged material or material with obvious signs of incorrect handling will not be accepted.

The warranty does not cover defects caused by incorrect use of the product. In these cases, the consumer must be responsible for its repair.

Likewise, the guarantee will act with respect to hidden defects and manufacturing defects of the product in accordance with article 1490 of the CC.

Warranty processing

The consumer and user may process the guarantee by contacting CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS. However, there are certain manufacturers that directly manage breakdowns/defects/incidents that occur in their products to provide quality after-sales service and reduce time. In this case, the customer may choose to take or send the damaged product directly to the manufacturer's SAT, generally at no cost to the customer.


Those order cancellations that involve a return to the customer and that are by bank transfer will have a maximum period of 30 days for administrative procedures, although we try to ensure that the period is not longer than 7 days.

Delivery and Shipping Costs

The shipping costs to be passed on to your orders will be, as appropriate,:

Peninsula (within the national territory): €12.00
Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla: Not served


For shipments outside the national territory, consult specific conditions at .

General conditions:

Once the order is confirmed and payment of the full amount indicated has been made, it will be processed and sent to the delivery address provided within a period of approximately 48/72 hours. CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS will do everything possible to meet the indicated delivery time, informing the Client via email or telephone of any circumstance that could affect the usual delivery time that they are aware of.

Because the CERVEZAS SAN FRUTOS online catalog brings together the availability of products that can be found locally decentralized, the circumstance could arise that, in orders of more than one product, several shipments are made and therefore partial deliveries until the order is completed. .

In the case of confirmed orders in which there are products with different delivery times, by default CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS will process the shipment when all the products are available, informing you in detail and promptly. You may request a first shipment with the products that are available at the time the order has been confirmed and a second when the remaining products are available. In this case, you will have to bear the additional cost of the second shipment.

At the time of delivery, you must carefully verify the condition in which the merchandise is delivered and the number of packages delivered as indicated on the carrier's delivery note. If there are errors in the delivery received or if it is visibly damaged, it is important that this be reflected in the carrier's delivery note and that these facts be reported to CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS, as well as to the transport agency, within the period of 24 hours and in writing via email to or by any other means. Important: Claims after 24 hours of delivery cannot be accepted.

CERVEZAS SANFRUTOS will not be responsible for any damages that may arise from the delay or non-delivery of the merchandise, especially for lost profits or any consequential damage or loss derived from delay or loss of production that, as a consequence of the delay, could suffer the Client.